Products & Solutions
1. Small and Medium Business Management Software (SMBMS) v 1.0
Small and Medium Business Management Software (SMBMS) is an all in one, multi-user business software system that will manage all administrative aspects of an organization. SMBMS helps small and medium business owners/users controls administrative processes. It is simple, secure, powerful, allows for employee, customer, vendor self service, and is designed to save you time, resources, and paperwork headaches.
SMBMS application provides web/mobile interface to do following operations:
- Administration
- Company Management
- HR/Employee Management
- Customer Management
- Vendor Management
- Project Management
- Product Management
- Content Management
2. eCommerce for Retail Shops (eShop) v 2.3
The application will help businesses promote their brand and display their products on their own websites, allow their customers to signup/signin and buy products in a secure way. Key Differentiation when compared with existing opensource e-commerce platforms is our application is capable of allowing customers to customize according to their changing requirements.
eShop application provides web/mobile interface to do following operations:
- Manage customers
- Customer signup
- Customer signin
- Forgot username/password
- Manage product categories
- Manage products
- Manage collections
- Manage promotions
- Promotional Banners
- Multimedia management
- Flyers
- Videos
- Photos
- News/Articles
- Payment processing
- Shipping & Delivery
- Shipping cost
- Delivery scheduling & reporting
- Product search
- Email marketing
- Subscribers List management
- News Letter design
3. eRSVP for Event Managers (eRSVP) v2.0
This application will help Event managers to make it easy for their clients to get realtime RSVP status
information available online all the time. The application has User Interfaces (UI) as follows:
Admin interface for Back Office operations
- Add Client Information
- Add Main event Information
- Add Sub-events Information
- Generate excel template for RSVP tracking based on events and sub-events, Provide RSVP template to Client
- To accept RSVPs thru Phone Line
Client interface
- To upload guest list
- To add guests manually
- To track RSVP status/attendees per invite
- To print RSVP cards
- To print RSVP cards
- To print Address Labels
Guest interface
- To RSVP online using unique RSVP code provided with invitation
4. Website Content Management System (WCMS) v3.1
This product will help individuals/businesses create and manage their website on ongoing basis.
WCMS application provides web/mobile interface to do following operations:
- Manage Pages
- Manage Menus
- Manage Menu positions
- Manage Page positions
- Page Editor & publisher
- Manage presence in Social networking sites
- Manager banners
- Manage Blog posts
- Forms
- Contact Us
- Request Information